Speed Indicator Devices in Bentley

Speed Indicator Devices in Bentley

See below for analysis on data from our Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) for the last 2 months.Also shown is data collected from the ANPR camera managed by Suffolk County Council when it was in Bentley ...
Planning Application - Fruit Farm, Capel Road  RECONSULTATION

Planning Application - Fruit Farm, Capel...

Bentley Parish Council - Planning Application at the Fruit Farm (DC/23/03652)UPDATE!Bentley Parish Council have received this letter from Babergh District Council regarding another  consultation due ...
Brockley Wood Planning Application - additional response from Bentley Parish Council

Brockley Wood Planning Application - add...

Brockley Wood Planning Application - additional response from Bentley Parish CouncilAfter the initial round of consultation, Suffolk County Council requested that further information be submitted by t...
Anglian Water - extension to road closure Bergholt Road

Anglian Water - extension to road closur...

Message from Anglian Water re extension to road closure Bergholt Road Firstly may I thank all at the parish council for any assistance or customer communications you have carried out on our behalf si...
Suffolk Recycles Summer Newsletter

Suffolk Recycles Summer Newsletter

Suffolk Recycles Summer NewsletterClick here to read the news letter
Babergh East, Police and Parish Forum meeting

Babergh East, Police and Parish Forum me...

The Safer Neighbourhood Team meeting took place on 23 March 2023 @ Hadleigh Town Hall.  Here are the minutes from the meeting.Our next meeting is 14/06/2023 @ Claydon Village Hall. Here is the agend...
Annual Parish Meeting - Thursday 13th April 2023

Annual Parish Meeting - Thursday 13th Ap...

Thank you to those who attended the Annual Parish Meeting.It was great to have a presentation given by the Head Boy and Head Girl of Bentley Primary School accompanied by the headteacher, Jo Austin.It...
County Broadband update

County Broadband update

Further update!29 April 2023See below text from an email from AB Installs Ltd, the company that is completing the ground works on behalf of County Broadband -I have had a call with Christopher Reid to...