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The Parish Council welcomes new residents to the village and hopes this page provides useful information about living in Bentley.
Neighbourhood Plan:
The Village has produced a Neighbourhood Plan to provide statutory input into Babergh district Planning Policy. The information for this is based on the results of a comprehensive survey of resident opinion performed in 2018. Following a resounding 'YES' vote in favour of the Plan, the Neighbourhood Plan was adopted by Babergh District Council as part of its development plan on 12 December 2022. For further information see the Neighbourhood Plan page on this website
St. Mary’s Parish Church is situated to the north of the Village and forms part of the Anglican parishes of the Dodnash Group (Bentley, Tattingstone and Copdock with Washbrook) now joined with Sproughton and Burstall in a new benefice. The church newsletter is distributed bi-monthly to each household within The Bentley Bugle. Bentley Baptist Church is situated near the War Memorial. Roman Catholic services are held in the Anglican Church in Capel St. Mary, approximately two miles west, and the nearest Roman Catholic Church is at Brantham, approximately three miles to the south. The nearest Methodist Church is at Capel St. Mary.
Bentley Stores:
Village Community Shop – Adjacent to the Case is Altered. This was funded by grants and donations and is staffed and run by volunteers, with a wide range of goods and produce with a local emphasis. For further information see their Bentley Stores website.
Post Office:
The nearest Post Office is at Capel St. Mary in the Co-op. Opening hours 09.00 – 18.00 Monday to Friday – 09.00 – 13.00 Saturday.
Public House:
‘The Case is Altered’ is located at the western edge of the village and has been acquired by over 150 members of the Community as a Community Asset. It is run by volunteers. For further information about opening times and events go to The Case is Altered Case is Altered website.
Village Hall:
The Village Hall is available for private hire to village residents only. Clothing and bottle banks are located in the car park. For further details please see the Village Hall page.
The C of E VC Primary School is situated in Church Road. Their Bentley C of E VC Primary School website gives further details about the school.
Pupils over the age of 11 travel by bus to East Bergholt High School in the next village. Further information can be found on their East Bergholt High School website
Play Area:
We have a well-equipped Play Area for children under 11 years of age next to the Case is Altered pub. It is open until 8.00 pm and requires supervision by an adult.
Village Playing Field:
Pedestrian access is via Case Lane. The main gate is kept locked at all times but should emergency access be required the key holders are Bentley Community Stores during shop opening hours and Marianne Munday on 07808259331.
The Village Playing Field is used by Maritime Football Club as its home ground for its under 11 football team. They play home matches on Saturday mornings and have training sessions on a Thursday evening. Anyone interested in joining the team should contact the chairman Jon Haines by email
We have an outdoor gym area available for use by teenagers and adults who are 140 cms in height or above. Instructions for the use of the equipment are on the notice board.
Public Rights of Way and Footpaths:
There is an extensive network of signposted public paths and a 3½ mile circular walk around the outside edges of the village with short cuts back to the centre like spokes of a wheel. Maps are available on our Footpaths and Bridleways page and on the Case is Altered website.
The Constable Country Medical Practice and dispensary are located at 36, The Street, Capel St. Mary, IP9 2EE (01473 310203) – Pharmacy (01473 31322) and Heath Road, East Bergholt (01206 298272). To view more information on the medical practice visit their website.
Capel Dental Practice, 63 Thorney Road, Capel St Mary, Ipswich Suffolk IP9 2LL – 01473 311130.
Parent & Toddlers:
Monday 9.30 to 12.00 Parent and Toddlers
Wednesday 9.30 to 12.00 Parent and Toddlers
Meet at Village Hall Phone 01473 310283 for information.
Police Station:
Capel St. Mary Police Station– Bentley Road, Capel St Mary, IP9 2JN. Since April 2016 this building has been closed to the public. There is a public telephone located at the front door of the building from which the emergency number 999 and non-emergency number 101 may be contacted.
Timetable for the daily bus service into Ipswich can be viewed here. A ‘Park and Ride’ scheme into Ipswich town centre starts from the Park and Ride site near the A12/A14 junction 55 at Copdock Mill Interchange.
The mobile library visits the village every four weeks on a Wednesday afternoon at Bentley Village Hall - 1.30 – 2.15 and Bentley Station 2.20 - 2.30 pm. The details can be found by going on to the Suffolk Libraries website, click on mobile library and follow on from there. Other library facilities at Capel St. Mary Village Hall. – Telephone 01473 311699
Waste Collection:
Wheelie bins are emptied on Wednesday mornings (One day later after a Bank Holiday). A twin bin scheme is in operation. Bins for general rubbish and the blue bins for recycle waste are collected on alternate Wednesdays. There is also a Brown Bin scheme for garden rubbish (fee payable) with collections on alternate Tuesdays. Here is this year's collection calendar. Brown Bin subscription - www.babergh.gov.uk or 08456 066 045
Bentley Bugle:
The Community and Church News is delivered bi-monthly to each household. Copies are also available from BJ’s, Village Hall, Case is Altered and the Ipswich Building Society at Capel. View the Community & Church Newsletter to read more. It includes a useful list of contacts for clubs and organisations in the village too.