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Planning Applications
Planning applications are considered by the Parish Council at Parish Council meetings and recommendations regarding applications are passed on to Babergh District Council. Residents have the opportunity to comment on applications at these Parish Council meetings as well as search for and comment on applications via Babergh District Council's Planning Portal.
Babergh District Council will then consider the application after comments have been received and give a decision on whether to grant or refuse the application.
Latest Planning Applications
DC/24/00189 - Submission of Details (Reserved Matters) Application for Outline Planning Permission DC/22/04762. Appearance, Scale, Landscaping and Layout of the site for 1no dwelling and cart lodge. Ruseley Hazel Shrub
DC/23/05656 - Full Planning Application - Construction of Photovoltaic Solar Array, Ancillary Infrastructure, DNO Substation, Customer Substation, Grid Connection and Landscaping.|Land At Grove Farm And Land East Of The Railway Line, Bentley
DC/23/05389 - Erection of a single storey rear extension and front porch | 11 Silver Leys GRANTED
DC/23/05321 - Construction of a new access onto Capel Road.|Land Adjacent To Earlwood House, Capel Road Bentley GRANTED
DC/23/04243 - Erection of a single storey rear extension and a two-storey side of dwelling house. 11 Highfields.
DC/23/03652 - Application for Outline Planning Permission (Access points to be considered, Landscaping, Appearance, Layout and Scale Reserved) Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) - Erection of 24No. dwellings (including 8 no. affordable units and public open space)(following removal of existing structures). REFUSED
DC/23/02710 - Erection of 1No. one and a half storey dwelling including creation of new vehicular access. | Woodfield Bergholt Road REFUSED
DC/23/02125 - Construction of new vehicular access (re submission of DC/22/01771) | Land Adjacent To Redwoods Bergholt Road REFUSED
DC/23/01764 - Construction of increased pitch of roof, to allow more headroom at the first floor, render the exterior walls and erection of rear orangery. | 37 Silver Leys GRANTED
DC/23/01378 - Erection of front porch. | The Hollies Grove Road GRANTED
DC/23/00728 - Erection of front porch and single storey rear extension. | 24 West Mill Green GRANTED
DC/23/00486 - Conversion and extension of existing garage to form residential annex, to remain tied to the use of the host dwelling, and associated works. | Oak Lodge Bergholt Road GRANTED
DC/23/00329 - Erection of single storey rear extension and single storey front extension; Insertion of velux roof windows to be fitted in new and existing roof. | 3 West Mill Green GRANTED
DC/22/06039 - Erection of 1No single story detached dwelling with associated parking (amended scheme to DC/21/01223). | Land Adajent To 4 & 5 South View Green REFUSED
DC/22/05905 - Erection of 1.2m closed boarded boundary fence | 1 And 2 Nursery Cottages Capel Road GRANTED
SCC/0105/22B - Brockley Wood Land off A12 Belstead Suffolk IP8 3JS - Extraction, processing and sale of sand and gravel, processing of inert waste materials and concrete batching with associated plant and related sales, associated access works, phased restoration using inert recovered materials and aftercare plan
DC/22/04762 | Application for Outline Planning Permission - Severance of garden and erection of 1No dwelling and creation of new vehicular access. | Ruseley Hazel Shrub GRANTED
DC/22/04454 | Erection of a single storey rear extension (following demolition of existing sunrooms) | 18 Highfields Bentley GRANTED
DC/22/03520 | Erection of detached garage/workshop (amended scheme to that approved under DC/21/06493). | Holly Oak Hazel Shrub GRANTED
DC/22/03304 | Installation of a septic tank and soakaway field. | Caravan At Linkfield Hazel Shrub WITHDRAWN
DC/22/02716 | Erection of single storey side extensions | Teapot House Grove Road REFUSED
DC/22/02041 | Application for Listed Building Consent - Installation of 2no. new conservation rooflights (following removal of existing velux roof window). Insertion of new gable end window. Internal alterations as per Schedule of Works. | Bentley Hall Bentley Hall Road GRANTED
DC/22/01771 - Construction of new vehicular access | Land At Bergholt Road. REFUSED
DC/22/01696 - Erection of 1No detached dwelling (following demolition of existing annexe and outbuilding). | Windy Farm Capel Road. REFUSED
DC/22/01676 - Erection of front porch extension, construction of 2no. front dormer windows, installation of 1no. rooflight, installation of a roof lantern and rear dormer extension in conjunction with loft conversion. | 3 The Link GRANTED
DC/22/01673 - Demolition of agricultural building and erection of 1no detached dwelling. | Land Adjacent Redwoods Bergholt Road GRANTED
DC/22/00899 - Severance of garden and erection of 1No dwelling with access off Capel Road shared with West Dene. | West Dene Capel Road. REFUSED
DC/21/06493 - Erection of single storey rear extension, alterations and detached garage/workshop. | Holly Oak Hazel Shrub GRANTED
DC/21/05139 - Change of use and conversion of former pump house to form a holiday let unit | Former Pump House Dodnash Fruit Farm Hazel Shrub GRANTED
DC/21/04847 - Change of use from B8 storage to sui generis (Car Showroom) and erection of portacabin. | Capel Station Garage Bentley Hall Road GRANTED
DC/21/04367 - Erection of single storey rear extension. |3 Red Cottages Potash Lane GRANTED
DC/21/03705 - Erection of single story rear extension and front dormer extension to facilitate loft conversion. | 27 Silver Leys GRANTED
DC/21/02823 - Erection of 1No detached dwelling (following demolition of the existing bungalow) | Rowan Acres Capel Road GRANTED
DC/21/02430 - Erection of agricultural building with associated area of hard standing. Pond Farm House Bentley Road GRANTED
DC/21/02053 - Erection of rear extension and application of rendering. 5 West Mill Green GRANTED
DC/21/01857 - Erection of 1no two-storey storage building. Little Dodnash Farm Bergholt Road GRANTED
DC/21/01656 - Land Adjacent To Earlwood House Capel Road - Construction of a new access onto Capel Road and erection of field gates.GRANTED
DC/21/01315 - Land Off Hazel Shrub Hazel Shrub Bentley IP9 2DG - Erection of 1no. dwelling and garage with associated landscaping. REFUSED
DC/21/01323 - Bentley Plants Ltd Bergholt Road - Change of Use of Agricultural Building to 1no. Dwellinghouse (Class C3). GRANTED
DC/21/01223 - Land Adj 4 And 5 South View Green - Erection of 1No single story detached dwelling with associated parking, REFUSED
DC/21/00989 - Ruseley Hazel Shrub - Outline Planning Application - Severence of garden and erection of a detached dwelling. REFUSED
DC/21/00808 - 1 Nursery Cottages Capel Road - Erection of single storey rear conservatory extension. GRANTED
DC/21/00582 - Hulvers Link Lane - Erection of office/garage building. GRANTED
DC/20/05939 - Woodfield Bergholt Road Bentley - Application for works to a tree protected by Tree Preservation Order BT278. GRANTED
DC/20/05898 - Oakleigh Capel Road Bentley - Application for a Non Material Application relating to B/17/00003 - The application puts forward a phasing plan as a non material amendment to the approved application scheme. This is shown on Drawing TH52/04 below - Proposed Phasing Site Plan (Planning). GRANTED
DC/20/04409 - Little Dodnash Farm Bergholt Road - Demolition and rebuild of agricultural barn to form 2no holiday lets, erection of two storey storage building and associated works (Bentley PC - Recommend Approval) GRANTED
DC/20/04852 - 23 Highfields Bentley - Erection of two storey rear extension to existing end terraced private dwelling (Bentley PC - Recommend Approval) - GRANTED
DC/20/04739 - Holly Oak Hazel Shrub Bentley - Reserved Matters Application relating to DC/19/05429 and subsequent appeal APP/D3505/W/20/3249004 - Layout, Scale, Access, Landscaping and Design for Erection of 2No detached dwellings. (Bentley PC - Recommend Approval) - GRANTED
DC/20/04586 - Bentley Hall Bentley Hall Road Bentley - Application for Listed Building Consent - Enlargement of existing bathroom (Bentley PC - Recommend Approval) - GRANTED
DC/20/04373 - The Spinney Capel Road - Erection of single storey rear extension(following demolition of conservatory); Erection of first floor side extension with part two storey element, alterations to bay window and extension to form entrance lobby. (Bentley PC - Recommend Approval) - GRANTED
DC/20/03950 - Bentley Service Station, Services Area A12 Southbound, London Road, Bentley - Raising of existing canopy from 3.5m to 5m clearance - (Bentley PC - Recommend Approval) - GRANTED
DC/19/05429 - Holly Oak, Hazel Shrub - Erection of 2 dwellings - ALLOWED ON APPEAL
DC/20/01122 - Land to the rear of 4-6 Grove Road - Erection of 1 dwelling with access via 1 Grove Road - (Bentley PC - Recommend Approval) - GRANTED
DC/20/01312 - 4 Case Cottages - Erection of single storey and double storey extension - (Bentley PC - Recommend Approval) - GRANTED
DC/20/02231 - Wayside, Capel Road - Erection of two storey rear extension - (Bentley PC - Recommend Approval) - GRANTED