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Public Rights of Way 
We have 64 footpaths and 3 bridleways in Bentley! This old map showing all the numbered footpaths was originally produced for the Parish Council back in 1999.
We have some excellent walks around Bentley through stunning countryside. To see some photos taken from these walks, visit our Views Around Bentley Gallery.
Here is a downloadable version of Bentley Public Rights of Way map shown below.
For downloadable maps of circular walks that start and end at our village community pub, The Case is Altered, see the pub's website.
Bentley Parish Council also sponsored an updated and re-printed version of the original 'Six Country Walks from The Case is Altered Public House' booklet by local resident, Michael Anderton to commemorate the Coronation of KIng Charles III. Here is a downloadable version
For more information about Quiet Lanes see our Quiet Lanes page
There are four categories of public right of way:
- Public footpath - The public has a right to pass and repass on foot with normal accompaniment such as a pram, a wheelchair or with a dog.
- Bridleway - The public has a right to pass and repass on foot, on horseback and on a pedal cycle.
- Restricted byway - The public has a right of way on foot, on a pedal cycle, on horseback or leading a horse, or with a horse drawn vehicle. Restricted byways do not carry public rights for motor vehicles. (All RUPPs were reclassified as restricted byways under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000).
- Byway open to all traffic (BOAT) - The public has the right to pass and repass on foot, on a pedal cycle, on horseback, or with a vehicle (horse drawn or motorised) but the route is mainly used by pedestrians, pedal cyclists and/or horses.
For more information please visit Suffolk County Council's Public Right of Way website