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Meetings are open to the press and public. All meetings will be notified on this website and on village notice boards a minimum of 3 clear days in advance. The agenda for each meeting will be available on this website under "Latest Agenda and Minutes” on the home page. Details of the dates, agendas and minutes are also displayed on the Parish Council notice board located outside BJ's Hair & Beauty Studio, Capel Road and at the Village Hall.
Members of the public are welcome to attend. An opportunity is provided for members of the public to raise matters during the open public session. If you are not able to attend in person but want to raise an issue, then please email the Clerk, Joy Scott in advance of the meeting.
Parish Council meetings are usually held on the first Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. Additional special meetings may also take place to deal with consultation on planning applications or other urgent matters. Meetings of the Playing Field Society take place on agreed dates before Parish Council meetings at 7.00 pm.
Parish Council Meetings 2025
Thursday 2 January - Council Meeting
Thursday 6 February - Council Meeting
Thursday 6 March - Council Meeting
Thursday 3 April - Council Meeting
Thursday 17 April - Annual Parish Meeting
Friday 9 May - Annual Parish Council Meeting
Thursday 5 June - Council Meeting
Thursday 3 July - Council Meeting
August - No Meeting
Thursday 4 September - Council Meeting
Thursday 2 October - Council Meeting
Thursday 6 November - Council Meeting.
Thursday 4 December - Council Meeting
Meetings normally commence at 7.30 pm.
The Annual Parish Council Meeting in May includes the election of officers including Chairman for the following year.
The Annual Parish Meeting allows all electors to have their say and takes place between 1 March & 1 June - LGA 1972.
Please note: Public contribution to Parish Council meetings:
The Parish Council is a statutory body with a duty to bring forward the business of the Parish.
Parish Council meetings offer members of the public an opportunity to contribute and comment on matters on the agenda of the meeting.
Public sessions are at the discretion of the Chair.
Filming, photographing, broadcasting, or recording meetings. Members of the public are at liberty to undertake these activities, in the interests of transparency, during public open meetings, but should notify the Clerk of their intention to do so. Members of the public not wishing to be filmed or photographed should also notify the clerk, and arrangements will be made to exclude them from filming. If the parish Council wishes to make any recording of the meeting, attendees will be similarly notified.