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Bentley Village Hall is a registered charity and by the terms of its Trust Deed is “for the use of the inhabitants of Bentley”.
In every case, the booking must be in the name of a Bentley resident (or someone with a Bentley connection) who will be at the event and who accepts responsibility for the sensible running of the event, leaving the premises clean and tidy and paying for any damage or any additional costs incurred in cleaning up.
Typical hires are for the morning, afternoon and/or evening, for either the main hall + kitchen, or the committee room + kitchen, or the entire premises.
We have numerous regular bookings for village groups, some (such as the WI) having been hall users for most or all of its 100 years of existence! New regular groups are welcome but will naturally need to fit around established users. One-off bookings, eg for celebratory events, are also available.
There are certain types of event that we do not hire for. We follow police advice in avoiding bookings for events where gatecrashing may occur or where responsible control may not always be possible and also where past experience justifies such a stance.
To enquire about availability and cost, please complete the Village Hall Enquiry Form or phone Veronica Howe (01473 310344) or Mark Usher (01473 310322).
Village Hall Enquiry Form